Decorating Your Workplace for Christmas

by | Dec 1, 2020 | Living Life

It’s that time of year. Ideally speaking, maybe the most wonderful time. When it comes to Christmas decorations, most limit their creativity to their homes. Some, however, want symbols of the holiday at work and home. A bit of Christmas cheer surrounding the desk, water cooler, or cubicle may be just what’s needed to get through a trying day. These days, hauling decorations to ‘work’ may take all of … 10 minutes. If you’ve always worked from home or for those teleworking due to the COVID-19 pandemic, your workspace is closer than ever (perhaps, too close).

Anyway, if you’re interested in decorating your workplace/workspace, there are a number of different (affordable) ways to go about it.

Be Mindful

For a workspace/place located outside your home and in an office setting, before going crazy with the holiday decorating, keep in mind: not everyone celebrates Christmas. Some opt not to celebrate Christmas for the sake of it, but others don’t celebrate it for religious reasons. In the interest of keeping everything ‘festive’ and in the spirit of the season (goodwill toward men and all), consult with supervisors and/or fellow staff before the tinsel is hung—even if only decorating your personal workspace.

If someone in your workplace doesn’t celebrate Christmas, that’s okay. As long as company policy allows holiday decorating, decorating your workspace for Christmas remains doable. Your approach, however, might need tweaking, where you’re less ‘Jingle Bells in Your Face!’ and more considerate of your coworker(s). Instead of decorating your workspace with decorations solely symbolizing Christmas (e.g. Christmas trees, Santa Claus, reindeer, etc.), consider a simpler approach. A red and green tablecloth for your desk, poinsettias, and simple wreaths still bring the holiday spirit into your workplace, without offending coworkers.

Fancy Ain’t Cheap

You may or may not be shopping for Christmas decorations on a budget, but either way, the best decorated workspaces warrant beautiful, elegant, or trendy decorations. For that extra-special touch, think specialty Christmas shops, either local or online. Decorations from specialty shops tend to be pricier, but depending on your goal, may be worth it. Some specialty suggestions: porcelain or ceramic figurines, tabletop fiber optic decorations, or small Christmas trees you can decorate.

Keeping these ideas in mind, decorating your workplace/workspace for Christmas should be fun and not a hassle, regardless of what you had in mind. The holiday season is all about sharing, giving, and spreading holiday joy. A workspace richly or even subtly decorated with that message in mind, is a great start.

For more on holiday decorating, check out my newsletter, Tranquill at Twilight

Yes, that spelling’s on purpose.

Until next time, stay serif, be safe, and have fun decorating.

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