Stress and Aging

by | Jan 19, 2021 | Living Life

Aging can be a ‘B.’ Let’s put that right on out there. Yes, there’s some mystical good about growing older (the whole, ‘wisdom with age’ thing), but on the face of it … it can be a drag. Muscles and joints have wear and tear; the skin is doing this ‘less supple’ thing; good, youth-giving hormones are checking out of the joint (yes, women and men). It’s a mutiny of sorts.

Unless one is fortunate enough to be gifted with youthful genes, ‘looking’ young is a dilemma. In terms of the physiological changes of the face and body, many people resort to cosmetic surgery in an attempt to maintain youthful looks. Others consume various ‘medications’ designed to eliminate radicals in the body. Cosmetics and injections in the skin, face (and other parts), too, play a part in attempts to slow the effects of Father Time mixing it up with Mother Nature. Any or all of these unnatural, artificial youth ‘preservers’ can be costly and may pose side effects.

However, there are natural, risk-free ways to impede the rigors of aging. Top of this list is the psychological effect of one’s temperament and adopting a ‘mind over matter’ approach to life. Plenty studies conducted have disclosed: a person’s outlook impacts physical appearance (for better or worse). A key starting component: well, your face.

Show those Teeth—and Reduce Wrinkles

With the pandemic raging and affecting our lives on numerous fronts, there isn’t much to smile about. Do it anyway. Smiling often (when suitable, of course) is beneficial for both the smile giver and receiver. Smiles project a sense of confidence and positivity. The confident, positive energy from a smile allows temporary distraction from excessive worrying. In practice, smiling uses fewer facial muscles. It doesn’t distend the skin on the forehead, as opposed to frowning, which uses more facial muscles and causes increased stress folds on the skin. Continuous stress folds in the face (from frowning) result in worry lines and … wrinkles. But you have to start somewhere. So, to jumpstart a smile fest, seek some comedy in your life: jokes or games with family, your favorite sitcom or comedy movie, hilarious moments on YouTube. Those feel-good smiles easily convert to laughter …

Laughter: It Joggles the Mind

You’ve heard ‘laughter is the best medicine.’ There’s some truth in that. Along with the positive energy from a smile, laughter stimulates chemicals which liven the brain and counter anxiety/depression. This is for everyday/average dissatisfaction—not depression requiring medical attention. A bout of laughter can create new perspective. Viewing some problem, not as a burden but rather as a challenge to overcome, requires less effort and energy, and consequently results in better efficiency of overall body performance. Essentially, reaching for laughter when dealing with problems and stressors boosts the release of endorphins and offers opportunity to see potential resolution in a new light. This ‘euphoria’ promotes a more fit psychological state. The body responds well to a healthy mental state, which carries less stress, less stress means less frowning … You get the idea.

Passive people, in general, aren’t pushy. They adopt less head-on measures for dealing with an issue while still getting closure. One way of dealing with conflict is ignoring it (very non head-on). This avoiding or ignoring however, may serve as a means of remaining fit and ‘staying young’ by disallowing major stressors, but it’s strictly a temporary fix. Ignoring real problems doesn’t resolve them—resolution is where the real freedom and de-stressors come into play. Subconsciously, you’re still aware a problem exists, and this causes increased risk of psychological disruption until/unless said problem is addressed. Some amount of stress is good for a person, but it’s well-known: excessive stress makes one sick, tired, and … old.

Get a laugh-track nearby—STAT!

Attitude Tweak

Some of life’s problems often self-resolve, go away with time. Unfortunately, others don’t. These are the problems requiring contemplation and resolution (exacerbating any wrinkles, weight gain, gray hairs, and weary joints).  Addressing an issue by ‘finding the funny’ in it, imbues some self-confidence in dealing with it and has lasting effect. Staying fit and staying ‘young’ begins with psychological conditioning. It’s an attitude adjustment of practicing looking at life as more than stressful problems and obstacles and instead as challenges, conquerable outcomes. This positive approach feeds the ego and nourishes the soul. It also favorably affects the psycho-physiological fabric of an individual— fostering a healthy mind and body, and leading to more smiles, easier laughter, less wrinkles  …

So, put on a happy face. It does a body good.



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