Basics in Time Management

by | Apr 13, 2021 | Living Life

Those of us not in the top 1 percent of wealth are not lounging in the lap of luxury with plenty of time for spare time. Hell, the same applies for those of us not in the top 10 or even 50 percent. The vast majority of us are juggling jobs and side-hustles (pursuing ‘the dream’), family, relationships, and health. Too often we’re wishing there were 48 hours in a day. It’s stressful not having enough time to do it all (which we shouldn’t be trying to do, anyway). A better balance begins with the basics in managing our time.

Time management involves setting up obtainable goals and planning accordingly. ‘Obtainable’ is relative, but it helps keep things in a realistic perspective. It also determines the scope of time needed to attain the goal. Time waits for no one and Rome wasn’t built in a day. But there’s a basic approach to time management for a less stressful middle ground.


Get Time on Your Side

There are plenty webinars on the subject of time management, but these tips are good place to start, certainly won’t hurt:

  1. Sketch it out to the finish. Sketching it out requires asking the hard questions. Well, not that hard but especially important. Sample questions to ask include: Is this goal obtainable? What will it take to achieve the goal successfully? Is the timeframe suitable, realistic? Does the timeframe work with your schedule? Am I ready for this? Asking these sorts of questions beforehand is like performing a therapeutic technique for preparedness.
  1. No one knows it all or can do it all, so sometimes we have to ask for help. If you can afford to ‘hire’ someone to assist with, say, administrative tasks, great. Otherwise, explore ‘free’ help options. Think: collaboration. If job and side-hustle are keeping you away from family, explore ways of bringing those areas of life together. Think: effective shortcuts. Perhaps there are administrative tasks needing a trim or can be combined. You can do a lot more with organized efficiency.
  1. You’ve sketched it to the finish. You’ve asked and answered key questions about your goals in the affirmative. And, as many people commit to marriage, commit to your goal(s)—and the time management necessary to accomplish them. Consider ‘divorce’ out of the question. Likewise, when pursuing a business venture or more family time, keep the ‘faith.’ Commitment is easiest when ‘keeping it simple,’ which is another basic rule in time management.
Simple Flexibility
  1. Keeping it simple is the smartest element in time management as it benefits mind and body. By implication, simple tasks are less stressful. Simple doesn’t mean simple-minded. Even the simplest tasks come with responsibility. Rather, ‘simple’ suggests tasks and time management planning that works smoothly and effectively, while reaching your goals. Even simple plans require analysis to strategize which tasks work best. Moreover, since this is ‘time’ we’re managing, adjustments may be necessary. Prep a plan both logical and simple; even simplicity should make sense. Simple tasks are easier to address and modify when running into complications.
  1. Flexibility (plans are plans; they change). No plan is flawless; keep that in mind when creating a plan for time management. Try role playing tasks through a timeline to discover problem areas and possibly reduce risks. Ask more time-related questions about the tasks, play things out, and review the results. Good results are an indicator your plans to revamp how you’re using your time may run smoothly.

Life is short, wasting time is wasting money, there aren’t enough hours in the day. Okay. But, learning basics in time management is key for reaching your goals. Most life events revolve around time. There’s a choice here: spend time wisely, or waste time and sit back wondering where the time went…


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