Tips for Having a Good Day

by | Jun 8, 2021 | Living Life

We were ‘quarantined’ indoors for over a year. But it’s a new year and spring is here—with summer fast approaching. With lots of talk about increases in anxiety and depression as a result of the pandemic, ‘Have a nice day’ takes on new meaning. But it is possible. These pointers allow you to put a positive spin on your day.

Good-Day Tips
  1. Invoke gratitude. Start the day by being thankful. Whether you write it down or meditate on it, being actively thankful builds positive thinking.
  1. Remain aware you have choices. You can choose how you’ll perceive things. Make the choice to look for the positive in everything for the day.
  1. Put on a happy face. Be happy and cheerful purposefully. Incorporate laughter and play as much as possible where appropriate. Find the funny throughout the day and share your joy with others.
  1. Live your intentions. Remain genuine and focused on your goals and beliefs—even small daily accomplishments can have a big impact on the day.
  1. Treat yourself today. Not with anything big or expensive, mind you. But something that makes you happy, just because.
  1. Similarly, treat someone else today. There’s something to feeling better by making someone else ‘happy.’ Do something unexpected, like paying for someone’s coffee or lunch (a stranger in line behind you would be great).
  1. Add some silliness. Don’t take everything so seriously. Change up your normal routine to counter boredom. Try putting a happy face on someone else; make ’em laugh, too.
  1. Show affectionate to somebody not expecting it. Surprise them with a special note to brighten their day.
  1. Smile, anyway. It works wonders and is contagious.
  1. Lastly, celebrate something. Extend the joy over the little things going right. No brass bands and applause necessary, but a mini dance will do just fine.
But ‘Bad ’is Good, Too

Because life happens, each day brings a challenge or two. Sometimes the challenge is so minor, it’s barely a challenge. Other times, well … So, having 365 24-hour ‘good’ days is unlikely. And we’re talking average, everyday challenges here; news of terminal illness, the death of a loved one (and the like), are exceptions. The idea isn’t to suppress negative feelings; that helps no one and can lead to other issues. Besides, dealing with conflict is healthy.

The point is, each day, you have the option and ability to find and embrace the positives despite any negatives. One way to have a bad day is to allow it. Deciding to use the tips above means taking steps against the negative. Remember: you’re the party boss. It’s your party, and you can cry if you want to, but try smiling and dancing instead.


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