Tome for the Holidays

Tome for the Holidays

So, maybe you’ve pulled all your hair out, but the shopping is done and behind you, or the shopping hasn’t even started but the hair-pulling has and you’re needing a pill or something to keep the panic back, or you’ve given up completely (gift cards for everyone!)....
Bookshelves to Die For (Pt. 2)

Bookshelves to Die For (Pt. 2)

Previously, I ran down a few of the unique bookshelves that appealed to me, with mention I’d list more. With the holidays upon us, books are either gift ideas or vehicles for escaping the holiday madness, so a bookshelf for placing said books, lurks in a home...
Writing Is As Writing Does

Writing Is As Writing Does

I sometimes find myself in a bit of a quandary when it comes to genre definition. And, those writers who write one thing well? Well, I envy them. It’s not that I write so many things well (oh, no). All writers have their strengths and weaknesses, and with continued...
Bookshelves to Die For (Pt. 1)

Bookshelves to Die For (Pt. 1)

Walking around Capitol Hill recently, doing a little window shopping at some of the quaint shops (some older, some newer), I found myself pausing more in front of the few small bookstores sprinkled within a five-block radius. There’s just something about tomes lined...

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