Classic Christmas Songs

Classic Christmas Songs

Classic Christmas Songs Music is a universal language, and nothing sets the ‘mood’ for holiday cheer like holiday/Christmas songs. Radio stations begin the mission as early as the day after Thanksgiving (‘Black Friday’ to you serious shoppers). Few music genres fail...
A Look at Protest Songs

A Look at Protest Songs

A Look at Protest Songs The Beauty and Power of Outcry through Music The plan for this week’s blog involved a high-level discussion of a recession—an economic recession. While experts indicate the COVID-19 pandemic will lead to a serious economic downturn, it’s...
Music Tales IV: the SFPB Experience

Music Tales IV: the SFPB Experience

Music moves us. In recent blogs, I’ve discussed different categories of music and song, addressing the emotional highs of a love song and the tension in a breakup song, as well as the call-to-action urgency of a message song. My novel series is infused with music and...
Music Tales III: Message Songs

Music Tales III: Message Songs

Love is a many-splendored thing and breaking up is hard to do, but always, always, there’s a message in the music. As music is but an artistic form of expression, it reflects some aspect of the human experience. A departure from musically expressing some romantic love...
Music Tales II: Breakup Songs

Music Tales II: Breakup Songs

In my last blog, I discussed the impact of music on people, specifically love songs. This week’s discussion focuses on breakup songs—when those love songs aren’t cutting it anymore. Breaking up is hard to do, so this isn’t about those weird folks doing some ‘amiable...

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