Earning as a Freelance Home Writer

Earning as a Freelance Home Writer

Earning as a Freelance Home Writer Nowadays, it’s tough establishing oneself as an author in a ‘traditional’ sense. But if your love for writing often results in others impressed by your work, the internet has many opportunities to establish yourself independently as...
Resources to Help Get Published

Resources to Help Get Published

Resources to Help Get Published Getting a book published is easier said than done.  Sure, accessing various quality resources improve your chances. Some resources are standard for the writer’s toolbox, others are optional but valuable. Printed publishing guides are...
Publishing Primer: Submission and Payments

Publishing Primer: Submission and Payments

Publishing Primer: Submission and Payments I’ve blogged a time or five about the book publishing process. And, since this site focuses on the written word that is fiction novels, numerous ways of expounding on the subject of publishing is expected. Before sending your...
Profit Potential of Writing Articles

Profit Potential of Writing Articles

Profit Potential of Writing Articles In this day and age, we all know (or have heard) what a ‘side hustle’ is. Writers and those with an interest in writing exercise some ‘side hustle’ muscle with blogs and articles. It’s believed, making money with articles is fairly...
A Promo Primer for (Newbie) Self-Publishers

A Promo Primer for (Newbie) Self-Publishers

A Promo Primer for (Newbie) Self-Publishers When working on a new novel, I sometimes assume the role of Lot’s wife and take a look back. I don’t turn into salt, but it’s an opportunity to play: If I Knew Then What I Know Now … Excitement breeds distraction—and the...
Deciding to Write an eBook

Deciding to Write an eBook

Deciding to Write an eBook Whether fiction or nonfiction, electronic books (ebooks) remain an effective method for marketing your writing or expertise. Similarly, ebooks inform others about you as a business owner of a particular product (e.g. novel) or service (e.g....

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